Tuesday, January 18, 2011


 Ok so today is the suspected magical day… the day of Disney CP applications and tension is running high. I am excited about the prospect of going home, I am anxious to get my application in, I am nervous about the stiff competition who I have come to be quite fond of, and I am terrified of the possibility of not getting in and all the horrible mental scenarios that spin off from that. But regardless of any of that im just SOOO excited to get started with the plan to return homeJ I have my maps, I have adventures, a PIC, friends its going to be wonderful.

In other news I have my Micro Econ class today, I really enjoyed the first class so that is exciting the only potential downside is that if the applications haven’t come out yet I don’t know how I am going to manage to pay attention at all. My SPI class I have done nearly no work and I feel very ashamed about that but I am working on it and the reading is actually coming on fairly well.

Not really much to report in other news, car still not working, job still not happening, still trying no tot spend money EXCEPT for the fact that I have been working a bit on a welcome back present for Catherine and I a really excited about seeing how she reacts when she sees it J still have 17 days to go till then but that’s ok cause its just more time to prep, which cant hurt. Our room is almost cleaned and prepped and ready for her return just a few more minor details to attend to.

I got a package in the mail yesterday which is always fun and I am looking forward to at least three more in the next week.

I cant really think of anything else, just sitting in the waiting room watching PLL.

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