Sunday, January 9, 2011

Barnes and Nobles

  I LOVE going to Barnes and Nobles, well really any book store but especially B&N, I rode to the mall, got a nice cup of peppermint white hot chocolate, snuggled down into a comfy chair with a few magazines and a book or two and I just read for a couple hours.

Vanity Fair- Catherine told me about an article/photo shoot of Ralph Lauren’s garage so I had to check it out and I must say…breath-taking.

Architecture Digest- while not normally on my list of must reads the cover was a beautiful picture of Ralph Lauren (go figure) walking down a beautiful black iron stair case in a very sharp white room with lost of Black contrasts (B&L photos, vase etc.) and I wanted to see what it was about. Turns out it was for his new build from scratch Women’s, and Home store on Madison Ave. the building looks more like a gorgeous black and white photo of a classical Hampton summer home. While I wouldn’t want to live in it (too sharp, not enough color, and not very soft or homey) It was very pretty to look at and next time I am in new york I would LOVE to visit. (still my favorite is the Polo store in SoHo that looks like an English Men’s Club)

Details- I really shouldn’t be allowed to read GQ and Details, the clothing is so nice and I Just wan to buy it ALL lol but as always a pleasure to look through and day dream about. (plus   found out about a fun website  )

Harley: a detailed pictorial history- I love bikes (I will do a post on that soon maybe today even) but I REALLY love old bikes (cars, clothes, people, houses etc. what can I say I am an old soul really and I appreciate history in all its forms) so I really enjoyed looking at a book that was nothing but pictures of old motorcycles for a while. I especially loved the pre-WWII models, and the mid-50’s models If I ever get a Harley I would really like to modify it to look that old since I am sure I will never be able to afford a real one from that time period.

Mutineer- why I read a magazine about alcoholic beverages? Truth is I don’t I just look at the pictures, the photographers at this magazine are wonderful and they are always at large social events so between the articles on Whiskey vs. Whisky, and beer for the refined man you can find beautiful photos of people all dressed up at interesting venues holding delicious looking drinks in amazing glass wear I wish I could go to events like that truly I love getting dressed up but I never have a reason too.
Cigar Aficionado- didn’t read, I usually do I love this magazine something about the culture and the ritualism of cigar smoking fascinates me BUT since it is a quarterly publishing magazine not a monthly, I have already read it multiple times.

I would have loved to have read playboy, I hear there is an excellent article this month on a new restaurant opening up in Tampa soon BUT that is a behind the counter magazine and since I cant afford to spend money on magazines right now sadly it went unread lol.

Like I said in the beginning I love book stores, I love the smell I love the plush chairs, the perfect lighting the music, and most of all I love the books I didn’t really read a lot of books this time but that’s cause I have two books at home I am currently reading I really just needed to get out of the house and do something that didn’t take any brain power

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