Sunday, January 9, 2011

SO its been a while

So its been a while and lets be honest I’ve been slackin’ and for that I apologize.

Update: not much to report really still no job, no school, waiting for Disney Applications, and for Catherine’s procedure- Lol I feel like right now my life is trapped in line at the DMV BUT im getting pretty close to the front of the line and that is exciting.

Today: I got to sleep early (2:30 am) and got to sleep in late (9:30 am) YAY!!!!!, I made myself a BIG breakfast cause last night I was trapped w/o food and I ended up with a migraine, shaky, felt sick and have been told that I looked pouty So to avoid a repeat I have stashed granola bars in my room J. I also played a little Crash Bandicoot, did some math homework, laundry, Wal-Mart (got some Listerine that Catherine introduced me to) and… went to the bookstore. I also watched Somewhere in Time , a movie of Catherine’s that is interesting, the story it self is a little slow at times but its great for lazy days and the background/setting is PHENOMINAL!!!! Deff. Worth a watch if you haven’t seen it before.

Tomorrow: I need to go to school check on a random fee that I have in my file, and also I think I will spend some time in the school library (maybe if im at school I will actually do some work) also I need to find my class room cause Tuesday night I start my new class on Micro-Economics J should be interesting

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