Monday, March 21, 2011

Life as I currently know it

So it has been quite a while since I updated. sorry about that. Not to much has really happened but at the same time I never feel like I have the free tiem to update. This past week end was quite enjoyable, nice and laid back Catherine bought a few dresses, we went bowling, we swam, tanned, played frisbee, played on the swings with lawton and maggie, Catherine tried crab legs for the first time (always a fun experiance) just a nice laid back weekend that I truly loved ever minute of. We also went to a quaint little soda fountain/ ice cream parlor that was TONS of fun (even when the soda jerk gave us dirty looks for making loud noises playing with pop-guns).

The weekend before that we went to visit Catherine's mom in jacksonville which is always a wonderfull experience we slept in, went to St. John's Town Center, got Fried mac and cheese, I got a GORGEOUS shirt from J. Crew went to the beach for a little bit at night. One other thing we did that was super fun was try out the french press coffee pot I got ms. Brunner for her birthday, it was amazing coffee and I really want to get myself one soon.

Works sucks, school is borring, and the home life is bad but time with Catherine and jsut driving around in the evenings is what really makes life wonderfull

Disney draws ever closer and I am very anxious to return to the life Catherine and I both prefer back home :)

belive me.... I know toasted

I n my current quest to regain a tan i fealt this old commercial fitting. While George is a little more toasted than I aim to be he is still a good insparation when it comes to tans or clothes. Say what you will. you gotta love the man.

Monday, February 14, 2011

New Razor coming in soon :)

So I am super excited on friday I ordered a new razor... I know that probably doesn't sound very exciting but for me it is cause it's an old fashioned safety razor, like the kind yoru grandpa used to use. I am interested in tryign it out because personally I am not a huge fan on the contemporary razors with multiple blades, they are expenisive, inefficient, and are hell on the skin so hopefully going back to this old style of shaving will be everything it is cracked up to be.

I recently read an article on called how-to-shave-like-your-grandpa and it got me interested in trying. I already use a badger hair brush and a soap instead of the gel/cream from a can and I can tell you that it truely is WAY better and much cheaper so I can only hope the results from an old fashioned brush will be as great as the results from an old fashioned prep.

So I have ordered a butterfly style safety razor and a pack of blades and will update you all as soon as I have a chance to try it out.

Weekend Update

Weekend Update...
I had a great weekend with Catherine overall we had a lot of fun, and got a good bit of stuff accomplished.

    On Saturday we went to Brugers Bagels and got breakfast (I LOVE bagels in case you didn't already know, we went to The Grey Fox (a wonderful little shop in town) and got Catherine two new Vera Bradley bags she has been wanting for a long time(yay presents :) ),  and we walked around the mall just chatting, then we went out to mammaw and pappaws with the goal of me swimming which did not happen cause it was FREEZING!!!!!! But I did get the weekly cleanign done which was good, then we got some fish on the way home and had yummy fish for dinner. The only downside of the day really was that I got a MASSIVE migrane which was killing me but after a nice hot shower and some food I was feeling much better. So then we went out again, we went to best buy and bought Watchmen (If you haven't seen it. DO it was awesome) and went to the World Market which is this really really cool home/food store that I cant wait to go back to. We also went to walmart and got some organizational stuff. Then we went home curled up in bed and watched our new movie I love doing that;)

     Sunday we decided to go to brugers again (once again LOVE the bagels) this time we got a bakers dozen and some cream cheese so we can have breakfast all week long, then we went to Toys-R-Us to get a present for my little cousins birthday party. It was kind of weird because I remember what it looked like when I was little so vividly but it has changed SOOO much sense then I barely recognized it. We picked him out a present and headed to my Aunts house for the party... the party was alright I guess, it was nice to see everybody but like most family parties it fealt awkward segregatedinto small groups and I just fealt fairly out of place. Afterwards we went out driving around which is always nice, to be honest if I could afford the gas I would be happy just driving around for hours on end with catherine just talking and looking at houses. We went to Jo Anne Fabrics and bought some crafty stuff (even I did, I bought some fun paper and stickers so I am officially in this crafting stuff now) we also went to Target and looked at a TON of stuff YAY but didnt get what we went for which was new pillows :(  then we went home spent a couple hours reorganizing the closet, under my bed, and the dresser (looks so much better now) I cooked us some pasta for dinner, we played the WII with Dad and Ed, then off to bed with the Incredibles (LOVE that movie esp. big wheel kid)

So that was my weekend, how was yours?...

Friday, February 4, 2011

Life Update

Hey guys,
   I know it's been a while and I appologize for that I just havent had  much to really devulgeas of late but that all changes right now. Last night I recived my acceptance email... Catherine and I are going back to disney world, which is where we met :)

Tomorrow Catherine will be returning here to Tallahassee, and to me. I have been working hard in prepperation for her return and i think she will be quite pleased with my efforts. The room has been cleaned and rearranged. her bed is set up and I have a slew of fun presents for her :) needless to say I am VERY excited about having her come back. Yay for adventures with my P.I.C. :P

 Other then that I started my job back at the Legislature this week, so far it has been very borring but next week the committee meetings start and things will pick up. Either way its a great way to burn time and get some money to get ready to start on teh life plan.

School is going, slow and steady but going...

I will try to start updating more often.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


 Ok so today is the suspected magical day… the day of Disney CP applications and tension is running high. I am excited about the prospect of going home, I am anxious to get my application in, I am nervous about the stiff competition who I have come to be quite fond of, and I am terrified of the possibility of not getting in and all the horrible mental scenarios that spin off from that. But regardless of any of that im just SOOO excited to get started with the plan to return homeJ I have my maps, I have adventures, a PIC, friends its going to be wonderful.

In other news I have my Micro Econ class today, I really enjoyed the first class so that is exciting the only potential downside is that if the applications haven’t come out yet I don’t know how I am going to manage to pay attention at all. My SPI class I have done nearly no work and I feel very ashamed about that but I am working on it and the reading is actually coming on fairly well.

Not really much to report in other news, car still not working, job still not happening, still trying no tot spend money EXCEPT for the fact that I have been working a bit on a welcome back present for Catherine and I a really excited about seeing how she reacts when she sees it J still have 17 days to go till then but that’s ok cause its just more time to prep, which cant hurt. Our room is almost cleaned and prepped and ready for her return just a few more minor details to attend to.

I got a package in the mail yesterday which is always fun and I am looking forward to at least three more in the next week.

I cant really think of anything else, just sitting in the waiting room watching PLL.

weekend update

Saturday- stayed up late chatting with the D-Fam. Woke up early and went to the Pick-N-Pull didn’t find anything worth getting. Came home studied a little worked in the sheds for a while moved stuff around, then dad and I went to dinner at Ghengis Grill and went to the movies to see True Grit which I was quite excited about, se didn’t though we ended up seeing Season of the Witch, which wasn’t bad but it wasn’t great it was one of those movies that was good to see but in two years no-one will remember it.

Sunday- woke up early went to the Pick-N-Pull again lol found what we needed this time, fixed the blinkers on the metro, went to the flea market and walked around, came home watched a football game played Hitman and talked with the D-Fam. I find it interesting how 99% of the time my father can’t stand my presence but then every once and a while he gets in the right mood and we spend a couple of days hanging out and they are usually nice, we talk fix stuff etc. I wish it could be like that more often though its very frustrating having to wait until the random blue moon weekend to spend time around him.

Monday- while not actually part of the conventional weekend I count it this time because Melinda didn’t have school. I went to Mammaw and Pappaws with the hope of getting some work done, since I was unable to focus at home due to all the ambient noise and distractions. This didn’t work out however I spent the afternoon watching Big Bang Theory, looking for embroidery prices, talking to Catherine and cleaning a much better use of my time if you ask me.