Monday, February 14, 2011

New Razor coming in soon :)

So I am super excited on friday I ordered a new razor... I know that probably doesn't sound very exciting but for me it is cause it's an old fashioned safety razor, like the kind yoru grandpa used to use. I am interested in tryign it out because personally I am not a huge fan on the contemporary razors with multiple blades, they are expenisive, inefficient, and are hell on the skin so hopefully going back to this old style of shaving will be everything it is cracked up to be.

I recently read an article on called how-to-shave-like-your-grandpa and it got me interested in trying. I already use a badger hair brush and a soap instead of the gel/cream from a can and I can tell you that it truely is WAY better and much cheaper so I can only hope the results from an old fashioned brush will be as great as the results from an old fashioned prep.

So I have ordered a butterfly style safety razor and a pack of blades and will update you all as soon as I have a chance to try it out.

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