Monday, February 14, 2011

Weekend Update

Weekend Update...
I had a great weekend with Catherine overall we had a lot of fun, and got a good bit of stuff accomplished.

    On Saturday we went to Brugers Bagels and got breakfast (I LOVE bagels in case you didn't already know, we went to The Grey Fox (a wonderful little shop in town) and got Catherine two new Vera Bradley bags she has been wanting for a long time(yay presents :) ),  and we walked around the mall just chatting, then we went out to mammaw and pappaws with the goal of me swimming which did not happen cause it was FREEZING!!!!!! But I did get the weekly cleanign done which was good, then we got some fish on the way home and had yummy fish for dinner. The only downside of the day really was that I got a MASSIVE migrane which was killing me but after a nice hot shower and some food I was feeling much better. So then we went out again, we went to best buy and bought Watchmen (If you haven't seen it. DO it was awesome) and went to the World Market which is this really really cool home/food store that I cant wait to go back to. We also went to walmart and got some organizational stuff. Then we went home curled up in bed and watched our new movie I love doing that;)

     Sunday we decided to go to brugers again (once again LOVE the bagels) this time we got a bakers dozen and some cream cheese so we can have breakfast all week long, then we went to Toys-R-Us to get a present for my little cousins birthday party. It was kind of weird because I remember what it looked like when I was little so vividly but it has changed SOOO much sense then I barely recognized it. We picked him out a present and headed to my Aunts house for the party... the party was alright I guess, it was nice to see everybody but like most family parties it fealt awkward segregatedinto small groups and I just fealt fairly out of place. Afterwards we went out driving around which is always nice, to be honest if I could afford the gas I would be happy just driving around for hours on end with catherine just talking and looking at houses. We went to Jo Anne Fabrics and bought some crafty stuff (even I did, I bought some fun paper and stickers so I am officially in this crafting stuff now) we also went to Target and looked at a TON of stuff YAY but didnt get what we went for which was new pillows :(  then we went home spent a couple hours reorganizing the closet, under my bed, and the dresser (looks so much better now) I cooked us some pasta for dinner, we played the WII with Dad and Ed, then off to bed with the Incredibles (LOVE that movie esp. big wheel kid)

So that was my weekend, how was yours?...

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