Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Lets see if this works
This may seem some what silly or childish but I'm gonna give it a shot and it will probably be a huge disaster but o well it will be my flaming disaster and I can walk away knowing I tried. Any ways I guess thats a good place to start in a way I am a hard headed kinda kid I like to try things for myself, I love to learn and if some one will teach me I am all ears but if  there is no one around... Look out cause im gonna try it anyways lol.
             I was born and raised in Tallahassee, Fl and... ya right just kidding no body cares about that I think we can all agree life doesnt really start when your life actually starts. Skip a head a few years cause the first 5 are a blur the next 9 are boring and the the "teenage" years lets just say I got through them I am a better person because/in spite of them and leave it at that and skip to when life really took off for me.
             In may of 2009 I went to work at Walt Disney World, it was the greatest experiance of my life to date I had a great job, learned how to take care of myself, met some great people from all over the world, I fell in love with an amazing young woman, and I really learned a lot about my self, who i was who i want to be and what i want out of life.I love any and everything that is disney I always have and i probably always will, its part of that whole never growing up thing I am Peter Pan (actually I am Michael its even in my name lol).
             I have a wonderful girl-friend named Catherine and to be  honest i don't feel like girl-friend is an appropriate word. She is my best friend, the one person i trust, she is the love of my life, my partner in everything I do and I would do anything for her. She pushes me to be a better person in everyway I like to say she is my tink. and my wendy because she helps me stay in touch with my inner child but also helps me grow into the kind of man i can be proud to be. I will go into more/greater detail here later on. If you cant tell she will be playing a key role in the story of our young hero (yours truly) and thus will probably be mentioned semi-often if you have a problem with this,...have a nice day and thanks for stopping by.
             So enough with the intro and on with the story...


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