Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year (and O what possibilities this year brings)

New Year and O the possibilities


Well here it goes, then end of 2010, and on to 2011. The past year has been, eventful to say the least (and trust me that is really putting it mildly) I have really had to work on some of me lesser qualities, things have gone all kinds of unexpected ways but all in all I would say it has been a great year. I have grown much closer to Catherine, I have grown alot just as a person in general,I finally started back in school and I have had some AMAZING memories that I will never forget. Looking forward to the upcoming year I am filled with hope and excitement. I have never really been one for "resolutions" before but i figure I am trying all kinds of new things this year why not try those too so here I present to you my 3 lists. The things I look forward to most, the things i want to accomplish, and my resolutoins (some will overlap)

1. Things I look forward to the most.
   I. Catherine FINALLY coming back to me in tally. It's been along time since she went to visit her parents for two weeks (cough, cough) BUT everything has turned out for the best and I am eternally grateful things happened the way they did even if it has been very lonely and sad.
   II. Disney 2011 CP Fall Advantage Applications.
   III. Getting Accepted (AKA the purple folder)
   IV. Going Back to Disney (CUE: Im coming home)
   V. Getting back to the building a life plan
2. Things I want to Accomplish
   I . Get back into the Disney CP program
   II. Get a car, a running, working car.
   III. Get back to where I was 3 years ago guitar skills wise.
   IV. Get my voice back
   V. Catherine's Birthday 
      I have a plan I want to make it perfect and I really want her to love it I want to give her everything she ever wanted.
   VI. 15k in scholarships
   VII.4k in personal savings
   VIII. Friends. I want to continue to grow with my best friend, and I also want to make a few new ones, at least one.
   IX. Find a way to make Catherine fall even more in love with me.
3. Resolutions
   I. Work harder for what I want
   II. talk quieter, and less often.
   III. learn to be more courageous in my interactions with other people.

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